Friday, October 22, 2010

Good News

As my sister, Andrea and my mom sat in that waiting room, waiting to find out how my dad was doing they were freaking out, but they had several people there with them. My aunt and my uncles were all there with them. My aunt Lori who is my mom’s sister, she was the one who pretty much arranged everything for my dad’s surgeries. She sells malpractice insurance to several doctors in Indiana. My uncles Larry and Tom were both there as well. They are my dad’s two older brothers. My minister from church, Shane Mullins, was also there.
                While I was in Cayuga with Brad I was also freaking out. I didn’t know what was going on at all. I was even more in the dark than my sister and mom because I wasn’t there. I hated being that in the dark. When I finally found out my dad was in recovery and that Dr. Miller, my dad’s brain surgeon, said that he believed they got about ninety percent or more of the entire tumor.
                My dad did not have to go through chemo after his second surgery which meant it seemed like he had a lot more energy than after the first surgery so it was a lot different than the fist time he had a brain tumor removed.
                 The surgery had taken a lot longer than the doctors had expected it too, but my dad’s recovery was a lot quicker then the doctors ever imagined it would be. My dad’s surgery was on the Friday before Father’s Day and we, my mom, my sister, and myself, were all bringing my dad home on Father’s Day, just two days after the surgery it was pretty amazing. It had been a pretty long weekend because of all the stuff that had happened and he was excited to get home, but the first thing he did when we got home was went in to his chair and completely crashed for three hours.
                Everything seemed like it was going to just keep getting better, my dad seemed fairly happy and a lot healthier, there was a lot less tension around the house since the surgery went well.

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