Friday, October 15, 2010

The second surgery

My dad’s surgery was scheduled for early June at IUPUI in Indianapolis, Indiana. We were all pretty nervous because we were not sure what was going to happen. We had decided it would probably be best for me to stay here in town with my grandparents and just kind of continue doing what I had already planned to do that weekend.
The night before my dad was due to have his surgery my mom, dad, and sister all left for Indy, but my brother-in-law, Dave, my two nephews, Tristan and Trent, and myself managed to surprise my dad at Texas Road House in Terre Haute, Texas Road House is my dad’s favorite restaurant. After a few happy hours of all of us being together for what could be the last time, my parents and sister all left for Indy.
My brother-in-law, Dave, gave me a ride home, where I went to bed and woke up early the next morning to feed my animals and help my grandparents feed the animals in the kennel. Then Brad Cash came and picked me up so I could help him with the 4-H rocket launch in Cayuga, Indiana near the Newport chemical depot, it looked like it was going to be a long hot day.
After driving all the way to Cayuga, Brad started checking the radar on his phone and decided with all of the wind rain moving in we shouldn’t launch the rockets, but we went through with the judging of the construction of the rockets which was inside one of the main buildings on the Vermilion County Fairgrounds.
While all of this was going on I was trying to get a hold of my sister to find out how my dad was doing, but I could not get a response to save my life and that was driving me crazy. I about worried myself sick that day.  
The rocket judging took until about seven that evening and my dad’s surgery had started real early in the morning, I was starting to get really worried that I had not heard anything out of my sister, Andrea, or my mom.
Just as we were finishing up I got a text from my sister that said my dad was doing good and was in recovery, this made me very happy.
As Brad and I were leaving Cayuga a horrible storm was blowing in and all I could think about was I really hope this does not hit Indy. On our way home the wind and rain were causing us to swerve and what not. The storm did hit Indy, but it was not nearly as strong there as it was near Cayuga, several days Brad told me that a tornado was spotted just miles from where we were in Cayuga.
By the time we finally got home and I was in an amazing mood because my dad’s surgery went well and I was finally out of that horrible storm. What I thought was going to be a horrible day turned out to be a pretty decent day.

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